Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stand fast through the Storms of Life

The story of the (insert name) horses. They started off on one side of the desert and their masters would ride them to the other side and back with very little water and food, and with even smaller amount of rest.The masters loved and cherish theses horses and seeing quite a few die off hurt the masters heart. The horses that remained, breed a new generation of horses. The Masters would ride the the new generation making their trials harder than the generation before. And he repeated this time and time again until the master had these beautiful, big and strong majestic horses that were ready for any war or famine, or storm...metaphoric or literal.  Some might argue for the generations before. Was their only purpose to make their future coats stronger?

While watching Smallville, one of the greatest tv shows of all time, I was listening to Jonathan Kent (one of the greatest TV dads of all time) talk about how he was a nobody farmer in a nowheresville town. And when he found Clark in the cornfield- before he knew he had powers he said he found his meaning; to raise this kid on his morals and the morals of his father before. He had no idea that he would be raising the savior of mankind in a fictional world. As I wite this I know I probably should of use the story of Jesus, Mary and Jospeh.

Ive looked up lots of reasons why we go through what we go through. And even though, I honestly dont want to go through them, it does humble and soften my heart when i do. When life was easy, i needed more to make me happy, and I never really appreciated when I had it. Which is weird, because I grew up pretty poor…in Compton…during the 1980s so I should have been waaaay more humble as a teenager. I believe God knew this too, but in a storm, you can’t see what’s going on. When parts of my life were taken away from me, I was furious and went through Hulk like fits, and it came at me all at once. If I would of stopped to appricatiate the things and people I still had, it wouldn't of taken me so long to get to where I am now.
 God litterally got me the job i have now. **** Teenagers look up to me and ask me questions that are not school related. And because of a combination of having lived through a lot mixed with being active in the chruch, I answer those questions appropriately and good enough to where they trust me with questions in the future.
Now, that I’m through one of my storms in life, I seriously love the simple, smaller things. Small things might make me mad…but even smaller things make me happy, and if that’s the price that I have to pay ill gladly take it. Lucky charms and being infront of a tv playing old cartoons, make my day, sometimes week. ******Someone recalling something I said a week ago makes me feel so special you wouldn't believe because I know I can talk a lot and super fast and if you retain any of it, that is either a great talent or very faltering.

I'm doing a Book of Mormon's not really a challenge for most of you  since its just one chapter a day, but Its pretty hard for me and some chapters I have to get my easy read, and phone a friend. Ive read up to Nephi (add stopping point). And I'm getting lost into this story, probably deeper then anyone in this room gets lost into the Hunger Games. Mostly because I have no idea what's going to happen next, where most of you knew the story as a child and read it later in life.

So Nephi is shown the future of his brothers and all these horrible and then great things. And he's dealing with the roller coster of their faith, tring to keep his family alive while maintaining his own faith. In Chapter 16:5 Nephi is happy and full of hope that his brothers have humbled and soften their hearts at the sight of a miracle. In that same chapter Ishmael died and the brothers quikly turn on what they know and have seen and their first instict is to turn on their father and brother and try to kill them.
I don't know where I was when I read this, but all I wanted to do was cry. To know that the people put on this earth that were designed to love you, want you dead every time something goes wrong. I would lose it at the knowledge of someone harming my family. And to think that sometimes I'm the one doing it kills a part of me every time. So just reading that Nephi's faith has not budged through the storms of hunger, death, and betrail at any time, and has handled all of this with such class, just makes my problems seem so petty and vein. They are my trials which are different from everone elses, and I know God will only give me what I can handle.
The only one stopping us from knowing that and standing in our way is ourselves. Our trials will get us ready for what we were ment to do and it will not be easy, but when we go through it, we will be able to handle it with great class and our faith intact. One of my first Firesides I was listening to an anthropologist who proved the location and time periods and stories in the Book of Mormon. Places you can’t make up when translating it (insert Joseph Smiths location and time). This fireside was the last straw that made me convert by softening my hard head and heart.  I testify to everyone including myself that I believe everything I’m reading in the book of Mormon, and everything I’ve talked about in the past (insert time here) , whether I take my own advice or not. Your problems should not stop from being with God; it just means you need to get closer. Ever religion I’ve encountered had touched on the simple phrase for their church, ‘Come as you are, and Let God do the rest.’  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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