Monday, January 2, 2012

PDA is not OKAY!!

PDA is not okay
I honestly can't see the excitement and thrill people get out of sticking their Tounge down other people's throat with an audience. Please tell me what's so great about it! To me it's like marking your territory or just showing off what you have. You show off a new bracelet or handbag or hoop skills...not your tonsle hockey skills!
There should be two exceptions to this rule: New years eve kiss, and if you are old. I'm talkin 'your grandchildren are in college,' old. Not to be confused with Julia Moore or Angela Bassett old. There is just something hopeful about not being able to keep your hands off your spouse even though you can hear them snoring two houses down, or pushing their wheelchair.
So you 16 year olds stop doing what you think 26 year olds are doing, and you 26 year olds...Grow the heck up. And 56 year olds...don't be afraid grab a cheek or know which cheek I'm talkin about!
And that is how...Cynarra, C's it!!!

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