Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Crying wolf gets People Kilt!!

            Since the mayor of Chicago thinks he has the right to outlaw Chick Fil A for their the entire company speaks for every employee, (sounds like its election time Mr. Mayor) I am institutinting a new Law for Florida.
          Their media is not allowed to use the term Zombie attack ever again!! (Click here for Zombie Attack Article) They abused the right to use it on two PC addicts on two separate occasions. That is just as worst as faking tornado's watch just for your stupid ratings. And to show how outraged I am, I wrote everything in bold print! We Americans take that term very seriously and I can't take anything from Florida serious ever again. I turned the cheek for that (clear my throat) Bush election hiccup, and I tried to ignore the whole Zimmerman thing, even though it might not be as serious if they had stricter laws on Guns. But I will not let 'heaven's waiting room' fool me again on Zombie attacks!!
and that is how...Cynarra C's it!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stand fast through the Storms of Life

The story of the (insert name) horses. They started off on one side of the desert and their masters would ride them to the other side and back with very little water and food, and with even smaller amount of rest.The masters loved and cherish theses horses and seeing quite a few die off hurt the masters heart. The horses that remained, breed a new generation of horses. The Masters would ride the the new generation making their trials harder than the generation before. And he repeated this time and time again until the master had these beautiful, big and strong majestic horses that were ready for any war or famine, or storm...metaphoric or literal.  Some might argue for the generations before. Was their only purpose to make their future coats stronger?

While watching Smallville, one of the greatest tv shows of all time, I was listening to Jonathan Kent (one of the greatest TV dads of all time) talk about how he was a nobody farmer in a nowheresville town. And when he found Clark in the cornfield- before he knew he had powers he said he found his meaning; to raise this kid on his morals and the morals of his father before. He had no idea that he would be raising the savior of mankind in a fictional world. As I wite this I know I probably should of use the story of Jesus, Mary and Jospeh.

Ive looked up lots of reasons why we go through what we go through. And even though, I honestly dont want to go through them, it does humble and soften my heart when i do. When life was easy, i needed more to make me happy, and I never really appreciated when I had it. Which is weird, because I grew up pretty poor…in Compton…during the 1980s so I should have been waaaay more humble as a teenager. I believe God knew this too, but in a storm, you can’t see what’s going on. When parts of my life were taken away from me, I was furious and went through Hulk like fits, and it came at me all at once. If I would of stopped to appricatiate the things and people I still had, it wouldn't of taken me so long to get to where I am now.
 God litterally got me the job i have now. **** Teenagers look up to me and ask me questions that are not school related. And because of a combination of having lived through a lot mixed with being active in the chruch, I answer those questions appropriately and good enough to where they trust me with questions in the future.
Now, that I’m through one of my storms in life, I seriously love the simple, smaller things. Small things might make me mad…but even smaller things make me happy, and if that’s the price that I have to pay ill gladly take it. Lucky charms and being infront of a tv playing old cartoons, make my day, sometimes week. ******Someone recalling something I said a week ago makes me feel so special you wouldn't believe because I know I can talk a lot and super fast and if you retain any of it, that is either a great talent or very faltering.

I'm doing a Book of Mormon's not really a challenge for most of you  since its just one chapter a day, but Its pretty hard for me and some chapters I have to get my easy read, and phone a friend. Ive read up to Nephi (add stopping point). And I'm getting lost into this story, probably deeper then anyone in this room gets lost into the Hunger Games. Mostly because I have no idea what's going to happen next, where most of you knew the story as a child and read it later in life.

So Nephi is shown the future of his brothers and all these horrible and then great things. And he's dealing with the roller coster of their faith, tring to keep his family alive while maintaining his own faith. In Chapter 16:5 Nephi is happy and full of hope that his brothers have humbled and soften their hearts at the sight of a miracle. In that same chapter Ishmael died and the brothers quikly turn on what they know and have seen and their first instict is to turn on their father and brother and try to kill them.
I don't know where I was when I read this, but all I wanted to do was cry. To know that the people put on this earth that were designed to love you, want you dead every time something goes wrong. I would lose it at the knowledge of someone harming my family. And to think that sometimes I'm the one doing it kills a part of me every time. So just reading that Nephi's faith has not budged through the storms of hunger, death, and betrail at any time, and has handled all of this with such class, just makes my problems seem so petty and vein. They are my trials which are different from everone elses, and I know God will only give me what I can handle.
The only one stopping us from knowing that and standing in our way is ourselves. Our trials will get us ready for what we were ment to do and it will not be easy, but when we go through it, we will be able to handle it with great class and our faith intact. One of my first Firesides I was listening to an anthropologist who proved the location and time periods and stories in the Book of Mormon. Places you can’t make up when translating it (insert Joseph Smiths location and time). This fireside was the last straw that made me convert by softening my hard head and heart.  I testify to everyone including myself that I believe everything I’m reading in the book of Mormon, and everything I’ve talked about in the past (insert time here) , whether I take my own advice or not. Your problems should not stop from being with God; it just means you need to get closer. Ever religion I’ve encountered had touched on the simple phrase for their church, ‘Come as you are, and Let God do the rest.’  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

...How I could just kill a man (Or woman)

You know the worst job in the world, and by worst I mean the hardest and the one with the least amount of ‘thank you’? No…Not a super Hero.  Let’s talk about the murdering elephant in the room. People who exhale in life over life adversities, whether it be poverty or drugs usually give praise to their father. Its either, ‘He was never there so I had to try twice as hard,’ or ‘he was very overprotecting,’ or my favorite,  ‘He abused me and I worked hard to leave,’
You know what psychologist look at in serial killers? Their relationship with their mother.
Was she keeping the kid a little too close to her apron…even when he turned 30?
 Was she abusing them because she blamed them for her being single?
 Or did she give her son “too many ‘man of the house’ duties?
 If you look at the pattern of a typical Serial Killer, they did kill prostitutes, so they think this guy has serious mommie issues. But news flash, its super easy to kill one (not that I would know). They willingly get in your car at the right price, plus the chances of them being runaways are seriously high. Oh, and who wants to kill a guy when their chances of being stronger is unknown. You don’t know if that little white boy in the club knows jujitsu.
And that’s how....... Cynarra C’s it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I see the bad moon arising

Water is of major importance to all living things;
·         in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water.
·         Up to 60% of the human body is water,
·         the brain is composed of 70% water,
·         and the lungs are nearly 90% water.
·         Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight, as is the brain; body fat contains 10% water
·         and bone has 22% water.
·         About 83% of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature.

Earth and the moon are attracted to each other, just like magnets are attracted to each other. The moon tries to pull at anything on the Earth to bring it closer. But, the Earth is able to hold onto everything except the water. Since the water is always moving, the Earth cannot hold onto it, and the moon is able to pull at it.

This usually drives people crazy(er) on a full moon. The term Lunatic comes from the moon (Luna). So next time you feel a little…lunatic-like, and you have burned through your black card, your pms Card, ‘The devil made me do it card,’ or ‘The spirit made me do it.’ Just remember you have one last card up your sleeve…the Ace up your sleeve: Bad Moon Rising. Thank you Creedence Clearwater Reviva!!!
And That's how Cynarra...C's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing quotes that I have collected

When Karma comes back to punch you in the face, I wanna be there…just in case it needs help

The kickass woman’s manifesto for sparklious living
I am strong: I’ve gone through hell and kept walking. I know my weakness
I am worthy: It took me a long time to believe that. I’ve felt my unworthiness
I am Beautiful: and no one needs to convince me of that anymore. I’ve seen my ugliness
I am imperfect: I know perfection isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. I’ve got scars and I rock them
I am me: I thought I was lost and alone, but now I realize that I was always with me

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he scarifies money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you.

If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative! Know when to close the account.

A jealous woman does better research than the FBI

The fact that you don’t find me amazing doesn’t reflect poorly on me , it just means you have bad taste.

When you feel like you’re drowning in life, don’t worry- your lifeguard walks on water.

When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you. Let it destroy you. Or you can let it strengthen you.

Real men like curves. Dogs like bones.

Best Friends: they know how stupid you are and still choose to be seen with you in public

If someone breaks your heart just punch them in the face. Seriously. Punch them in the face and go get some ice cream.

She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the Future. Proverb 31:25

Her kiss was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering

Sometimes, you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care but because they don’t.

You are the result of 4 billion years of evolutionary success. ACT Like it!!!

Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.

‘who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.'- Bob Marley

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.-  Einstein
A woman’s heart must be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him to find her. –Maya Angelou

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth

Emerson once said, ‘to be great is to be Misunderstood.’
Psychology is still a new science and we are learning something new about it every day. The hardest part for someone with a physiological problem is that no two deficiencies are exactly alike. Its not like the flu or chickenpox, and for the majority of them, there is no cure…only treatment.  And now there is comfort.
 I watched the Aviator last night and since I got to the half way point of the movie I goggled Howard Hughes. The man was a super human genius whose mind was too brilliant for his head to hold. They said he was the most difficult man to work with and an obsession for perfection. Because psychology was so new, he (even being a billionaire) went untreated. Here is a list of other great minds.
  • Virginia Woolf
The British novelist who wrote To the Lighthouse and Orlando experienced the mood swings of bipolar disorder characterized by feverish periods of writing and weeks immersed in gloom. Her story is discussed in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
The brilliant composer experienced bipolar disorder, as documented in The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb
  • Vincent Van Gogh
The celebrated artist's bipolar disorder is discussed in The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb and Dear Theo, The Autobiography of Van Gogh.
  • Isaac Newton
The scientist's mental illness is discussed in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr and The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb
  • Michelangelo
The mental illness of one of the world's greatest artistic geniuses is discussed in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr.

Why I chose to write about this:
 I love astrology and I stare out to the stars more than anyone I know. When I look out at the stars, I only see the ones that shine the brightest.  I work with children who have been labeled and think they won’t amount to anything past who they are this moment. But one day, they will shine brighter than any other star around them and you’ll look at them the way I’ve always seen them: like the brightest star in the universe.

And that's how Cynarra...C's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I’m a carnivore to the fullest extent. I understand Vegetarians because I was one for two years of my life. But when I smelled my Aunts BBQ one summer afternoon, I turned into a carnivorous monster that had to make up for the past 2 years. Vegans…are crazy! Don’t they understand that if you don’t milk a cow its stomach will explode and my bones will become like jello? Everyone wins when we don’t let it go to waste! Let’s say we didn’t drink the milk, then the cow explodes…am I not suppose to eat a hamburger, and steak? (Hopefully not in the same meal) and should I not buy leather belts or shoes? Same goes for Ham, Have you seen or read Animal Farm?! That book scared the crap out of me and I won’t be satisfied till I see them with an apple in their mouth on my table.
Chickens! If everyone stops eating chickens, we won’t care why they crossed the road, because we will be more concerned on how long it’s going to be until I get down the road because there are too many running free and I’m late for work.
The Indians were right when they used every part of the animal they killed and you shame that animal and let them die for nothing.  America is a great country and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, but is the only countries who can afford to be picky spoiled brats while there are dying people in third world countries.  Are you seriously going to let those steaks go bad in the grocery store because you don’t want to contribute to their death…that happened anyway? You are the real monster!
And That’s How Cynarra…C’s it!!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

You are worth more then you think ;)

The female praying mantis is known for killing the male after mating. A species of spiders commits the same act. The male knows its coming and still would rather satisfied his petty needs at the cost of his life. If an insect at the bottom of the food chain knows her worth, then why can't thehuman  female brain wrap her head around the idea that what they have is worth more than an open door or a few compliments. I mean if we are bargaining with your temple, can you keep in mind it's worth way more then you can imagine. If you think it's worth a ring, he'll pay a ring, and your first born's name. If you think it's worth a trip to Hawaii, get first class. And if you think it's worth a meal...supersize it.

And that's how Cynarra....C's it!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"There Can Only Be One."

Yes, that was an Highlander Reference! (Sew me Christopher Lambert)
You know that person who feels slower than their peers, or emotionally and physically weaker? They feel that they always come in last place. These are our children and friends our sisters and brothers. Well the next time they feel that way play this scene from the movie Look Who's Talking. In it, 1000s of sperms are rushing to this egg and the winner gets born, while the others die off. You tell that person that out of 1000s of sperms, you were the fastest, the strongest, and the brightest, and you weren't even born yet. You wanted it more then the sperm next to you and that is why you won. Big deal you didn't get the job, or the guy, or the medal. So the next time that person is down, you jog their memory by saying one simple word, with one simple syllable; Sperm!
And that's how...Cynarra C's it!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A tale of Unfortunate events!

This is what I send Bank of America 5 times a day when I am Board...which is all the time!
Dear B Of A representative,
It has come to my attention that your bankers and tellers are annoying as hell. Everytime I go in there, a teller ask me five times if I want an account and then they call a banker to ask me 5 more times. On December 22 around 2:30pm at the Bellflower, ca branch, I told the teller to not waste her or my time by asking me because I get annoyed after two times. She said, 'unfortunately it is my job to make sure everyone has what they need." I then said, "five times, you can't believe me the first time?" she said, Unfortunatly it is my job. I then said, "Well lets just pretend you asked me 5 times." and she asked me again and I ignored her. She called for a banker and I told her that it wouldn't be necessary  I'll tell her no too. This teller lied to me and said she needed approval for a 627$ check. The banker was busy and the teller tried to stall. When she gave me my cash the banker came by to ask me if I wanted an account and I ignored her.
"Unfortunately" is a lame excuse So... Here I am emailing you, and 'Unfortunatly' I will continue to email you five times a day. ANd 'Unfortuantly I'll probably call you twice a day to complain because I know how expensive each call is. 'Unfortunatly' for you, I have unlimited minutes and I can set a time for my emails all day everyday. You are probably wondering if this women has a life. I assure you that I do not, so...I'll be emailing and or calling in a few hours and I plan on asking 5 equally annoying questions until your tellers and bankers stop raping my time! Yes, I said rape. Ive never been raped and ive never raped anyone, but after years of watching Lifetime network I honestly believe rapist understand the word no more than your fellow employees.
I'll talk to you in a few!!

Cynarra S. J

Monday, January 2, 2012

PDA is not OKAY!!

PDA is not okay
I honestly can't see the excitement and thrill people get out of sticking their Tounge down other people's throat with an audience. Please tell me what's so great about it! To me it's like marking your territory or just showing off what you have. You show off a new bracelet or handbag or hoop skills...not your tonsle hockey skills!
There should be two exceptions to this rule: New years eve kiss, and if you are old. I'm talkin 'your grandchildren are in college,' old. Not to be confused with Julia Moore or Angela Bassett old. There is just something hopeful about not being able to keep your hands off your spouse even though you can hear them snoring two houses down, or pushing their wheelchair.
So you 16 year olds stop doing what you think 26 year olds are doing, and you 26 year olds...Grow the heck up. And 56 year olds...don't be afraid grab a cheek or know which cheek I'm talkin about!
And that is how...Cynarra, C's it!!!