Since the mayor of Chicago thinks he has the right to outlaw Chick Fil
A for their the entire company speaks for every employee,
(sounds like its election time Mr. Mayor) I am institutinting a new Law for
Their media is not allowed to use the term Zombie attack ever again!! (Click here for Zombie Attack Article) They abused the right to use it on two PC addicts on two separate occasions.
That is just as worst as faking tornado's watch just for your stupid ratings. And to show how outraged I am, I wrote everything in bold print! We Americans take that term very seriously and I can't take anything from Florida serious ever again. I turned the cheek for that (clear my throat) Bush election
hiccup, and I tried to ignore the whole Zimmerman thing, even though it might
not be as serious if they had stricter laws on Guns. But I will not let
'heaven's waiting room' fool me again on Zombie attacks!!
and that is how...Cynarra C's it!!!!!