I go through and I read what people are saying about officer Ben Fields at Spring Valley High and here is my take on the subject.
None of this would of happened if this student was more obedient, and put her phone away the first time she was asked. No one is disputing that. According to South Carolina law if you are disruptive in class you can be arrested... That's a bit much me being from California and all but I won't dispute that either!
[Disturbing Schools Law for South Carolina SECTION 12. Section 16-17-420 of the 1976 Code: "Section 16-17-420.]
What I am disputing is a child, a girl is being thrown around for being disobedient by a police officer twice her size and age. If your sister or girlfriend or mother was being a brat, would you still feel the same way? Then why is it different here?
Youuuuuuuve guessed it. It's about race.
Why is it an individual, mental illness case or a case to get stricter with gun control when White males shoot up schools, but a problem with black culture, Black Lives Matter, and broken black homes not teaching their children right from wrong when an officer throws a child across the room?
I watch as my friends post videos on Facebook and say things like:
"And yet another shining example students these days."
"And yet another shining example students these days."
"I'm so tired of a backwards media negatively painting pictures of people when they're doing their job."
"Um, have you tried to gently pull someone out of a chair when they punch you in the face?"
These people are saying a lot without saying nothing at all and I never hear anything from these some people when there is a school shooting which according to this article on CNN, is done by 64% white people, 16% black people and 9% Asians.
I'm not against police officers, I'm against excessive force.